You don’t have to be an expert to make a difference! We’re looking for dedicated individuals, like yourself, who are seeking different ways to give back to the community and get involved in local community projects. Kickstart your volunteering journey to Kenya at Mutaho Children's Foundation Australia with these options!
Volunteer Openings

Teaching and Mentorship
MCFA Volunteers will be able to support community by teaching them on how they can improve in life and on their skills for better life. MCFA will hold training where volunteers will be teaching and interacting with the children and community members.
Community Health Worker
Volunteers who have specialised in the Health sector will support MCFA health worker in awareness reaching out to people and teaching them on how to live healthy life. Educating the community on different types of diseases, how to control and getting treatment when infected. Teaching the community on importance on maintaining Hygiene all the times and use of clean water.

MCFA Youth Programs
MCFA will be running youth programs as we nature youth talents. We have a wide range of sports that will be undertaken during the time as youth will be physically fit as we identify their different talents. MCFA will hold Sports days and during this day we will have lots of competition in different sports and the winners will be awarded. This will give the youth encouragement to participate in the games without failure.
Women Empowerment
MCFA has range of programs to support women who are vulnerable to enable them stronger in their lives. Most women and youth suffer very much as they lack knowledge on how to stay positive in life. MCFA will have capacity building programs, teaching them skills and helping them start small business for income generating. This will change their lives fully and will improve their livelihoods.

MCFA will care for you during your volunteering and you will explore different places!!!
- Accomodation during volunteering duration is available.
- Access to internet for report and research
- Mentorship to our youth programs and processes
- You get exposure in Community Based Organisation processes
- Learning more about farming at MCFA farm
- Interacting with communities and learning more about their lives