Our Current Projects

Providing access to Opportunities for Children through education 

Current Projects

Water Tanks Initiatives in schools

Most Schools have no water and makes it so hard for the pupils to study well. Students go to the river during school hours to fetch water for use at school hence study time lost every day. By having water tanks in school will help the students spend more time on their studies. Supporting the water tanks project will not only help children stay in classes but also it will improve their overall hygiene preventing diseases that keep them out of school.

Livestock Rearing Projects

This is a women and youth empowerment project where women and youth  groups are allocated piglets, poultry, cows, rabbits, goats and sheep  which they breed and distribute among members until each one has his/her own. They can sell the livestock later as additional income. Families with vulnerable children are prioritized so that it can contribute to the child education needs.  Supporting this project will also help keep children in school and improve general livelihood of children.