What We Do​

Providing child protection through education, youth empowerment and women empowerment projects

Increasing access to opportunities through education and protection for children

Poverty often leads to high school drop out rates disadvantaging many children born in poor families from accessing opportunities for a better future.

MCFA is committed to changing this by identifying vulnerable children in need of assistance and supporting them in making their dreams come true through sponsoring their education to the highest level possible and setting them up for competing fairly in the job market. 

Increasing access to opportunities for children through Education

Poverty increases school drop out rates. Children born in poor families are very likely to drop out of school if not supported by well wishers.

MCFA strives change this  by identifying vulnerable children in need of assistance and supporting them complete their education to the highest level possible hence giving them an opportunity to compete fairly in the job market.

We Empower Women

MCFA empowers women by teaching them the skills to better assist them in their lives.  Women are supported to start income generating activities like farming, small businesses and skills training to enable them become self reliant and able to cater for their family needs. MCFA goal is to improve the well being of vulnerable children by empowering their care givers and guardians.

We Empower Youth

MCFA supports youth access livelihood opportunities through skills training, sports and talent cultivation. In addition to livelihood activities youth are taught life skills related to keeping them safe from harmful behaviors like drug use, unsafe sexual practices and crime. 

Mutaho Children's Foundation Australia is seeking your support to enable these communities to improve their livelihoods. 

Water and Climate Project

The MCFA is committed to ensuring all our projects are climate smart. MCFA supports tree planting in schools and churches through sponsoring tree seedlings. The youth are engaged in producing tree seedlings for sale as a livelihood activity as well as climate change  reduction efforts.  Additionally MCFA encourages rain water harvesting through distribution of water storage tanks. 

We Nature Youth Talents

Throughout the school holidays the MCFA will continue to hold Sports Days, providing children with the opportunity to learn how to play, and practice a variety of different sports.

They will be able to receive training for these sports and compete locally with other children their age.

This allows them to work on their sporting talents and develop healthy habits and hobbies that they can pursue in later life. 

We Link with other Partners

MCFA works closely with friends, well wishers, donors and partners to identify problems that communities may be facing and working to find solutions to these issues.  James Vernom from the New Town White Eagles Soccer Club (Hobart) donated soccer uniforms to the MCFA Youth Team in Kenya. Reece Plumbing (Hobart) have provided funding go water tanks to be installed in various schools in Kakamega Kenya. The St. Paul’s Catholic School donated t-shirts for children to wear during sports days. Express Plumbing (Hobart) is one of MCFA biggest supporters.

MCFA appreciates any and all support given towards the charity it is not about the organisation, but the countless people it can help.